Note: Like any other ghost hunter team, we like to go into a haunted location doing the normal things you would see on a ghost hunting program. However, because we often see things with our own eyes on the first few investigations I’ll talk about why we didn’t use a video camera. However, we did
Category: Ghosts
Ghosts, or discarnates, are beings or spirits having no physical body : INCORPOREAL. Joy reminds us that not all ghosts (or spirits) are bad or negative; that is, some ghosts or spirits can be good or positive. Much of the characterization has to do with the intention or purpose in remaining. For example, often times when someone dies, they do not automatically ‘crossover’ into the heavenly realms, for one reason or another. Some may decide to stay behind and become what we call “earth-bound” or “discarnant entities.” That is, some passed-on spirits are confused, lost o,r feel that they have some ‘unfinished business’ to resolve, and they many times will go back to a familiar place to resolve what remains incomplete or unfinished.
Because we on this ghost team are gifted, we often hear things that you won’t hear on recordings, or that the normal person simply can’t pick up. I’m going to take you on a journey of discovery about the world beyond what we can see and hear. This journey will take you behind the scenes