When my daughter and I met the real estate agent for our original investigation you could feel the evil crash down on you the moment you pulled into the driveway.
At this investigation, we didn’t have tons of equipment, and because it was a house that was for sale, our investigation happened during the day.
I know you watch all those shows where they only investigate at night, but we’ve found the spirits are more active in the daytime than at night.
The moment we walked into the house, we were bombarded by the smell of cigarette smoke. It almost overwhelmed you it was so strong. Strangely enough, no one who smoked had lived in that house for years.
That was one of the complaints about the house along with feeling uncomfortable while inside.
One couple had their children’s bedroom upstairs, but said something scared them so bad they wouldn’t even go back up there. Although some had toughed-out living there for nearly nine months, most hadn’t even lasted six. It was clear there was something here and it wasn’t going anywhere.
My daughter walked through the house using dousing rods, while I used the EMF (electromagnetic field meter). We got several strong hits. One in the middle of the kitchen, one in the upstairs bedroom, and one on the laundry room (keep those in mind when we go onto the clearing).
We began the digital recording in the kitchen. (The recording has so many voices all talking at the same time it’s crazy. There are several I’ll share with you on the next post.)
My daughter’s baby, barely eighteen months at the time, absolutely hated being in that house. She cried almost the entire time until the real estate agent offered to keep her outside> The real estate agent didn’t want to come in the house freaked her out that bad.
The kitchen seemed to have two strong presences in it. One by the kitchen table, almost in the middle of the room, and one by the back door. We got a strong negative from the presence by the back door.
The people who had lived in the house said most of the activity they knew about had been upstairs. My daughter headed up there to do an EVP (electronic voice phenomenon) session, while I examined the downstairs.
In the laundry room, which was just off the bathroom, I got a dark, sick feeling. I didn’t hear any audible voices during this investigation but I could definitely feel where the negative entities liked to say.
The living room was calm. Almost the only place in the house where the entities didn’t seem to come.
In the downstairs bedroom I felt a female presence. She didn’t seem good or bad, just there.
My daughter finished upstairs and came down. She said she definitely felt an evil male presence up there. I then took my turn to go up and see what I could find.
My daughter went outside to be with her baby and hopefully calm her down, while I went upstairs. The entity up there didn’t seem to want to interact with me at all. Although the malevolence was obvious.
When I finished upstairs, we left. I wanted to come back after dark and see what went on then.
My daughter was too tired to go back and didn’t want to take the baby back there at all. I couldn’t blame her because the kid was so upset the whole time we were there, crying and hanging on to us. As soon as we left, she calmed down.
I went back about midnight, hoping to get more activity.
I could still feel the evil when I pulled into the driveway, and I have to admit I was a little scared to go back there alone. But I walked into the house with my small dog in tow. I figured she’d give me a heads up to anything getting too close.
I turned on the recorder and went into the bedroom. I didn’t feel the woman’s presence this time, so I left.
I sat in the living room and conducted an evp session. I didn’t feel or hear anything.
I went upstairs and did another evp session. There was a audible “Get out of my house.” Sounded like a horrible growl. My dog jumped and growled back. Needless to say the hair on my arms stood up, but I continued sitting there.
“I heard that,” I said and continued asking questions, but got nothing else. The feeling that they had left was overwhelming. So after another ten minutes I left.
My daughter was surprised I was brave enough to go back by myself, but it was nothing compared to what we felt during the day.
Next time: The finer details and the recordings.